
Showing posts from July, 2019

Setting up private registry for docker images

The registry is a stateless and highly scalable server-side open source application permissive under Apache license, which let you store your images privately and makes internal distribution and management easy. In case you don't want private registry docker hub is the best place to store your images. To configure own private registry follow below steps: 1. To start the registry container, which will be used as local registry on the docker host: [root@localhost ~]# docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v /local_registry/images:/var/lib/registry registry:2 Unable to find image 'registry:2' locally 2: Pulling from library/registry c87736221ed0: Pull complete 1cc8e0bb44df: Pull complete 54d33bcb37f5: Pull complete e8afc091c171: Pull complete b4541f6d3db6: Pull complete Digest: sha256:77a8fb00c00b99568772a70f0863f6192ff2635e4af4e22e4d9c622edeb5f2de Status: Downloaded newer image for registry:2 97f0845f8c3a0064ef0144aba57610e4c4f3d79947ee

Unable to pull images from docker hub in your environment ?

A couple of days back I faced an issue where I was able to pull images from docker hub on my laptop when connecting from my home and same was failing when connecting in office. I tried setting a proxy on my RHEL OS with "export" env setting but still, it didn't work. Then after googling figured out the exact root cause. Setting up proxy on OS environment (using export with RHEL) is not enough in case of docker, here you need to set proxy on one more level i.e. on docker settings. To do this follow the below steps: Create a new file "http-proxy.conf" if not exists in the below folder with shown contents: [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=" save and quit. Restart docker service: [root@localhost ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart do

Preparing RHEL 7.5 base image for docker container from scratch

Whenever we start working with a container, to start you need a base image for any specific Operating system as per your requirement. You can get base images for many OS distributions except RHEL OS as it needs licensing. So in case, you want to prepare a base image of RHEL operating system you can follow below steps which are pretty straight forward:  Prerequisites: Mount RHEL 7.5 ISO on /mnt and create a .repo file: [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo [localrepo] name=Local Repository baseurl=file:///mnt gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 OPTIONAL: HTTP/HTTPS repository is needed when you need to install any packages inside a container, or while preparing containers. [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# cat httplocal.repo [rhel-core] name=RHEL 7.5 Core baseurl=http://web1.repo.local/linux/RedHat/7.5Server/en/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 OPTIONAL: Set proxy if needed in your network. Steps to create a base image: [